Thursday, July 15, 2010

Cat Waxing

Here are a few exercises I ganked from Paperback Writer a while back.

1. Write a classified ad selling your novel.

Urban fantasy with a twist:
Heroic trolls, elvish bad guys, scent driven insights.
Theme of wanting to belong, mixed with horror and humor.
100,000 words or best offer.

2. Make up a motto based on your novel theme.

Keep your scent.

3. Describe your novel in 15 words or less.

A troll with a nose for magic finds trouble when she becomes...a tooth fairy. (Wow! 15 exactly!)

4. Write a personal ad for your hero or heroine.

SCTW(Single Cafe Troll Wife) Seeks companionship leading to something more.
Likes: libraries, ancient mysteries and knot language.
Dislikes: stalker monsters, elves, marshmallow scented faeish.
Compatible scent a must. Name not required.

Kind of fun, but they need more work.


Thank you for posting a comment! I know that sounds a little needy, and maybe it is. I mean, I don't need comment validation to know that I exist, right? But I like to know that someone else (maybe you?) has read what I wrote and felt moved enough to reply. So, thank you.