Wednesday, July 13, 2011

In Which There Is A Contest

love contests, and I know you love them too! Win, lose or draw, they are educational and fun. And I love, love, love, reading the hints of stories that other people have inside them.

Today YAtopia is having a contest, judged by the fabulous Vickie Motter. It's limited to 50 entries, so hop over quickly! Or, if it's too late, just read everyone else's three line pitch.


  1. Your pitch was HILARIOUS.

    Then I started browsing your blog and no wonder. Hello VOICE! Yeah, I'm writing buzzwords in caps, that's how excited you've gotten me.

    You've got to be like, Stephenie Meyer published. Or a really well-paid ad copy writer.

  2. Aw, Sophia, you're so sweet. (Or wickedly sarcastic, but I'm going with sweet.)

    Thank you :)


Thank you for posting a comment! I know that sounds a little needy, and maybe it is. I mean, I don't need comment validation to know that I exist, right? But I like to know that someone else (maybe you?) has read what I wrote and felt moved enough to reply. So, thank you.