Friday, April 1, 2011

In Which I Don't Discuss Autism

I've been thinking about what to do for Autism Awareness Day (April 2). My son doesn't have autism, but he's not "neurotypical", so it's a sensitive subject. I've decided to just link to Corinne Duyvis's post and let her speak.


  1. I went through and read all of her posts on autism. Awesome. Thank you.
    My son's pre-school teacher is convinced he has autism. The more I read about it, the more I"m convinced that he doesn't, but is still somewhere on the fringes, and has something going on.

    Anyway, what a cool lady she is.

    So, thanks for linking over.

  2. Oh Jolene, I have an idea about how hard this must be for you.

    I didn't get my son diagnosed until he was in second grade. By that time he hated himself and his problems so much, he told me he wished he were dead.

    I hope you're able to get help and a diagnosis soon!


Thank you for posting a comment! I know that sounds a little needy, and maybe it is. I mean, I don't need comment validation to know that I exist, right? But I like to know that someone else (maybe you?) has read what I wrote and felt moved enough to reply. So, thank you.