You know how some people are introverts? They (we) aren't necessarily shy, or dislike people, it's just that being around a lot of people is very draining. I imagine most writers are introverts, but that assumption is not based on knowing a lot of writers :)
You know how conventions have a lot of people? And lines with lots of people? And conversations with lots of people that you don't know? And interactions with lots of people with a shared interest? And did I mention people?
Yeah, conventions are one of those things that nerd introverts have a love/hate relationship with. Lots of people=bad, shared interests=good.
There are lots of reasons that I've never gone to a convention, much less a writers convention. Some of the reasons are even valid :) But the real, deep down, never want to say out loud reason is that I'm a major introvert. 99% on the Myers-Briggs sorter. I'm not scared about what people will think of my writing (yet). I'm just socially awkward, have social anxiety and I'm an introvert, so I'm scared(ish) of the people. (Wow, doesn't that description just make you want to hang out with me? :) )
But I have finally bit the bullet and just paid for a convention. It's the Southern California Writers Conference, and I picked the "novel cram" track. I'm going to the one in Los Angeles (Newport Beach) on Sept 19 through 21. Lets face it, everyone there will have a deep love of one of my favorite things. And hanging out with people that love the same thing I do will be awesome!
So, if you're going to that convention, and you're feeling socially awkward, nervous, or too introvert for words, let's meet up! We'll be socially awkward, nervous and introverted together. Which, yeah, is an oxymoron, but could be fun :)