Saturday, February 19, 2011

In Which I Talk About Death And Taxes

Just filed our taxes and ugh! Because Michael turned 17 in December, and because the government took out less money during the year (The Recovery Act, or something) we end up owing this year. Dang. We were counting on getting a credit, and planned to use that to replace our dead oven. (Dead oven, get it? That's where the death comes in.)

Oh well. I'm just thankful that we have enough money to pay the tax bill.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

In Which Christina Perri Comes and Sings For Us

Have I mentioned how awesome it is to work for Hot Topic? Ok, yes I know I have. Today Christina Perri came and sang songs for us. One, of course, was "Jar of Hearts" and it was just as wonderful live as it is in the video. (Some singers do a lot of post production work on their songs, which make the live versions not as wonderful as the studio versions.)

She also sang a song that's on her new album (to be released soon). I think it was called "Crumbs". I loved that one, too.

Anyway, I'm going to try to link the Jar of Hearts video here to share with everyone.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

In Which I Cheat

This is the first two opening lines of my Troll Wife WiP.

I hadn't even been on the job a month and I had 14 bruises, a concussion, multiple cuts and abrasions, a broken arm, and now, a gunshot wound.  Being a Tooth Fairy shouldn't be this hard.

I like it in this order, but I've had a suggestion or two that the order should be reversed.

Being a Tooth Fairy shouldn't be this hard.  I hadn't even been on the job a month and I had 14 bruises, a concussion, multiple cuts and abrasions, a broken bone, and now, a gunshot wound. 

Any thoughts? (Personally, I like "Being a Tooth Fairy..." coming second, because it's more of a surprise. But I'm open to suggestions.)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

In Which Sara Zarr Speaks From Her Heart

I assume everyone has heard about Sara Zarr's keynote speech at the SCBWI conference. If not, please go read this post about her speech and living a creative life.